
cast aside造句

cast aside造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:11:18


cast aside造句

  • 1、cast aside all illusion and go into the battle.(丟掉幻想,投入戰(zhàn)斗。)
  • 2、They would becast aside by the people.(他們將會被人民所唾棄。)
  • 3、Hecast aside the newspaper impatiently.(不耐煩地把報紙扔到一邊。)
  • 4、How can youngsterscast aside etiquette and shame?(年輕人又怎能將禮儀和羞恥心拋到腦后呢?) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 5、cast aside all illusions and go into the battle.(消除所有的幻想然后就去戰(zhàn)斗。)
  • 6、Some worry that the good work will becast aside.(有些人擔(dān)心好的工作將會被廢除。)
  • 7、Wecast aside many thing when they are no longer needed.(當(dāng)許多東西不能再用時,我們便把它們?nèi)拥揭贿叀?
  • 8、As soon as he got a new TV set hecast aside the old one.(他一有了新的電視機(jī),就扔了那臺舊的。)
  • 9、As soon as she became rich, shecast aside all her old friends.(她一旦變富就把所有的老朋友都甩了。)
  • 10、I want tocast aside the burden, Tam I need to feed themselves.(我很想拋下這個包袱,擔(dān)我需要養(yǎng)活自己。)
  • 11、Don'tcast aside those worn-out gloves; they may be used yet if properly mended.(不要把那些舊手套扔掉,好好補(bǔ)一補(bǔ),還可以用嘛!)
  • 12、His sympathies are clearly with the workers who've beencast aside in the name of progress.(他對工人們的同情顯而易見,工人們在進(jìn)步的名義下被拋棄了。)
  • 13、You mustcast aside all doubts and tackle the job with confidence.(你必須消除一切疑慮,充滿信心地著手進(jìn)行這項工作。)
  • 14、Where once retirement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserable job, it is now akin to beingcast aside.(在過去,退休被視為一份苦差事之后的短暫回報,而現(xiàn)在,退休就像是被拋棄了。)
  • 15、Hecast aside all his old friends when he became rich.(他發(fā)了財就把所有的老朋友都拋棄了。)
  • 16、But if everything can be repeated if You Lan is being willinglycast aside his Hongli.(但如果一切可以重來的話,尤蘭甘心愿意自己就是遭人唾棄的洪麗。)
  • 17、Hecast aside all his inhibitions.(他拋棄了一切禁忌。)
  • 18、Other dancers in her book report club rules beingcast aside.(在她的書里,別的舞娘寫道,俱樂部管理規(guī)則放在一邊。)
  • 19、cast aside if this poem, The only - only string of grape, what significance.(如果拋開這首詩,只是—串葡萄而已,還有何意義。)
  • 20、Do notcast aside the love of truth.(不要拋棄對真理的熱愛。)
  • 21、Hecast aside all his old books.(他把所有的舊書都扔掉了。)
  • 22、Peoplecast aside factories, villages, and even families in their pursuit of the new.(人們喜新厭舊,拋棄舊的廠房、村莊,甚至是自己的家庭。)
  • 23、Now it is encouraging writers tocast aside their publishers.(現(xiàn)在,又開始鼓勵筆者們繞開出版商。)
  • 24、He latercast aside his pacifism.(后來,他放棄了和平主義立場。)

cast aside基本釋義

cast aside

英 [kɑ:st ??said] 美 [k?st ??sa?d] 
拋棄; 排除; 廢除