cast iron造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:11:17


cast iron造句

  • 1、cast iron fence is long structure.(鑄鐵圍墻是長(zhǎng)型構(gòu)造物。)
  • 2、Thus Ductile iron valves can easily replacecast iron or steel valves.(因此球墨鑄鐵閥門能夠方便的替換鑄鐵或鋼閥門。)
  • 3、You created acast iron orchestration that USES the Invoke service activity to call this Web service, thereby running a map.(您創(chuàng)建了一個(gè)CastIron編排,它使用InvokeService活動(dòng)來(lái)調(diào)用這個(gè)Web服務(wù),進(jìn)而運(yùn)行一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)圖。)
  • 4、This machine has many parts made ofcast iron.(這臺(tái)機(jī)器有許多部件是鑄鐵造的。)
  • 5、Right outside the Saab museum, a giant blackcast iron steam engine stands as a monument to this unsentimental approach.(就在薩博博物館的門外,佇立著一個(gè)巨大的鑄鐵蒸汽引擎訴說著這近乎不近人情的制度。)
  • 6、You will use WebSpherecast iron to synchronize account data between two endpoints.(您將使用WebSphereCastIron來(lái)同步兩個(gè)端點(diǎn)之間的賬戶數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 7、To ensure that no deformation ofcast iron plate riveting, and use flat no problem.(為確保鑄鐵鉚焊平板不變形,并且在使用時(shí)平板不會(huì)出現(xiàn)問題。)
  • 8、cast iron is almost as useful as steel.(鑄鐵差不多與鋼一樣有作用。)
  • 9、Almost all of the interior detail is ofcast iron or plaster; the use of wood was minimized to insure fire safety.(幾乎所有的內(nèi)部細(xì)節(jié)都是由鑄鐵或石膏鑄成的;減少木材的使用是出于確保消防安全的考慮。)
  • 10、Any of the following items come in enameledcast iron.(下面要介紹的這些炊具都是用搪瓷鑄鐵做成的。)
  • 11、The piece consists of three wrought-iron arms, each cut into a silhouette of an elk, with hanging green-glass lights that look like gigantic acorns with "hats" ofcast iron.(它包括三只鐵臂,每只切割成麋鹿?fàn)?,[下]懸?guī)讉€(gè)綠色玻璃燈,這些燈看起來(lái)就像頭戴生鐵“帽”的巨型橡果。)
  • 12、If you do not know your host name, you can find it by looking in thecast iron error log.(如果您不知道自己的主機(jī)名,則可以在CastIron錯(cuò)誤日志中找到它。)
  • 13、With hemp ropes and bamboo cables reaching deep into the ground, they employedcast iron drills to reach the natural gas they used as a fuel to evaporate water from brine to produce salt.(麻繩和竹管被深入到地下深處,以鑄鐵深鉆直到得到天然氣,并以此為燃料將鹵水中的水蒸發(fā)來(lái)生產(chǎn)食鹽。)
  • 14、Both steel iron andcast iron have the structures of eutectoid, hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid.(鋼和鑄鐵都有共析、亞共析和過共析這三種組織。)
  • 15、The lathe bed is made ofcast iron.(車床的床身是用鑄鐵做的。)
  • 16、Acast iron sizzle plate none-too-subtlely shaped like a cow has a heavy slug of oil applied to it before being placed on a ferocious gas flame.(人們?cè)谝粋€(gè)外形像牛一樣的鐵板上涂上食用油,然后用煤氣把它燒得嘶嘶作響。)
  • 17、cast iron is an example.(鑄鐵就是個(gè)例子。)
  • 18、With the exception of heavy copper, the best all-purpose material, in our opinion, is heavy, enameledcast iron.(除了厚實(shí)的銅鍋之外,我們覺得最棒的萬(wàn)能材料是厚實(shí)的搪瓷鑄鐵。)
  • 19、Russians first discovered thesecast iron balls with single looped handles.(俄羅斯第一次發(fā)現(xiàn)這些單環(huán)把手鑄鐵球。)
  • 20、Cooking food incast iron skillets can increase the iron content of foods, and consuming Vitamin C-rich foods along with iron-rich foods can improve iron absorption.(用鑄鐵煎鍋烹調(diào)食物可以增加食物中鐵的含量,而在吃富含鐵食物的同時(shí)吃富含維生素c的食物可改善鐵的吸收。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 21、All that remains now is to map the variables throughcast iron.(現(xiàn)在只剩下的是通過CastIron映射變量了。)
  • 22、Its ductilecast iron enclosure ensures rugged and reliable performance in the harshest environments.(它的球墨鑄鐵外殼確保了在惡劣的環(huán)境堅(jiān)固和可靠的性能。)
  • 23、In his capacity as a chemist, he helped devise a hot-blast process for producing high-qualitycast iron.(他還以化學(xué)家的身份,幫人設(shè)計(jì)了一個(gè)生產(chǎn)高品質(zhì)鑄鐵的熱鼓風(fēng)工序。)
  • 24、Made fromcast iron, it is finished in graphite enamel.(該物由鑄鐵制成,表面以石墨搪瓷拋光。)
  • 25、Order a hot milk tea or sample the city's hybrid Canto-Western cuisine like Russian Borscht or a steak on a sizzlingcast iron hotplate.(點(diǎn)一杯熱奶茶,或者品嘗一下融合了粵式和西式烹飪特點(diǎn)的美食,比如羅宋湯,鐵板牛排。)
  • 26、The article demonstrated how WebSpherecast iron cloud Integration can empower you to integrate on-premise applications and cloud applications in a matter of days and without coding.(本文闡述了WebSphereCastIronCloudIntegration如何在幾天之內(nèi),使您不需要編程就可以整合公司內(nèi)部應(yīng)用程序和云應(yīng)用程序。)
  • 27、In the mechanical manufacturing ofcast iron plate is an indispensable basic tool.(在機(jī)械制造中鑄鐵平板也是不可缺少的基本工具。)

cast iron基本釋義

cast iron

英 [kɑ:st ?ai?n] 美 [k?st ?a??n] 
