
be bound for造句

be bound for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:57


be bound for造句

  • 1、To be a sailor of the world, bound for all ports.(做一個(gè)世界的水手,游遍所有的港口。)
  • 2、For greater flexibility, we propose that a business process component not be statically bound to its constituent components.(為了實(shí)現(xiàn)更高的靈活性,我們提議不要將業(yè)務(wù)流程組件靜態(tài)地綁定到其組成組件上。)
  • 3、I shall be weather-bound for half an hour.(因?yàn)樘鞖獾木壒?,我得在這里叨擾半個(gè)小時(shí)。)
  • 4、In fact, if anything came of it, it was bound to be good, for at least his name had been called to the attention of a number of editors.(實(shí)際上此事如果有什么后果,那就只能是好后果,目為他的名字已引起了許多編輯的注意。)
  • 5、And those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.(選擇開心的人必須幫助他人找到幸福,因?yàn)槊總€(gè)單獨(dú)的幸福都是和所有的幸福息息相關(guān)的。)
  • 6、In the longer term faster growth in poorer countries' demand is bound to be good for the advanced economies, but it will take time.(從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)角度考慮,貧窮國(guó)家需求的更快增長(zhǎng)肯定對(duì)發(fā)達(dá)經(jīng)濟(jì)體有益處,但是這需要時(shí)間。)
  • 7、This episode is bound to be a deep embarrassment for Washington.(這一事件必然使華盛頓大為尷尬。)
  • 8、Designs that need to be bound in order for the system to meet its functional and nonfunctional requirements and goals are architectural in nature.(需要綁定以使系統(tǒng)滿足其功能性和非功能性需求和目標(biāo)的設(shè)計(jì)本質(zhì)上是體系結(jié)構(gòu)。)
  • 9、May be the defensive find of a generation or even two for that matter. Rio Ferdinand is bound to be feeling twitchy.(他可能是后防線上一代甚至是兩代人的發(fā)現(xiàn)。里奧·費(fèi)迪南德一定會(huì)因?yàn)樗某霈F(xiàn)感到焦慮。)
  • 10、On that date, it will become international binding law for its Contracting Parties, who will be bound to implement tobacco control measures according to the provisions outlined in the who FCTC.(在這一天,它將成為對(duì)其締約方有約束力的國(guó)際法。這些締約方將接受其約束,按照在公約中概述的條款實(shí)施煙草控制措施。)
  • 11、It was reported that Israeli missiles had destroyed a convoy of lorries in North-East Sudan that were said to be carrying Iranian missiles bound for the Palestinian Hamas group in the Gaza Strip.(據(jù)報(bào)道以色列導(dǎo)彈已摧毀了蘇丹東北部護(hù)航的卡車,據(jù)說卡車載有伊朗的導(dǎo)彈駛往加沙地帶的巴勒斯坦哈馬斯組織。)
  • 12、How the body of the deceased criminal is going to be disposed of (used for organ transplant, for instance) will be bound to raise grave both ethical and social implications.(死刑犯的尸體的處理(是否可以用于器官移植等等)將是一個(gè)非常具有爭(zhēng)議的道德問題。)
  • 13、There's bound to be trouble in store for me every day of my life, because trouble it's always been and always will be.(每天必定都會(huì)遇上麻煩,因?yàn)槁闊┮恢贝嬖诙疫€要存在下去。)
  • 14、However, such industry specific schemas are loosely bound with minimal validations and can be used for only structural validation of the incoming XML.(但這些行業(yè)規(guī)范模式是由最小驗(yàn)證松散結(jié)合的,僅能用于傳入XML的結(jié)構(gòu)驗(yàn)證。)
  • 15、Staff verbs are abstract authorization rules for a human task role that can be parameterized and bound to a specific staff repository during business process and human task modeling.(人員謂詞是一些針對(duì)人工任務(wù)角色的抽象授權(quán)規(guī)則,可以在業(yè)務(wù)流程和人工任務(wù)建模期間對(duì)其參數(shù)化并將其綁定到特定的人員存儲(chǔ)庫。)
  • 16、This emulation implies several layers imposing a natural lower bound for the network latency which cannot be undercut.(這樣的模擬意味著使用多個(gè)層會(huì)影響網(wǎng)絡(luò)延遲的正常下限,而這個(gè)下限是無法再下調(diào)的。)
  • 17、This is primarily true for methods that can be called remotely-such as methods in a bound service.(對(duì)于能被遠(yuǎn)程調(diào)用的方法——比如綁定服務(wù)(boundservice)中的方法,這是理所當(dāng)然的。)
  • 18、In a system that is CPU-bound, all the processors are 100 percent busy and some jobs might be waiting for CPU time in the run queue.(在CPU受限的系統(tǒng)中,所有處理器都是100%忙碌的,并且一些作業(yè)可能正處在運(yùn)行隊(duì)列中等待CPU時(shí)間。) haO86.com
  • 19、When the laws are not sufficiently respected, respect for the facts is bound to be insufficient.(在法律得不到充分尊重的情況下,對(duì)事實(shí)的尊重必然也是不充分的。)
  • 20、Some rebalancing of global flows might lessen the impact of plying the longer route: Gulf oil bound for Europe could be dispatched east and African oil bound for Asia sent to Europe instead.(一些在國(guó)際間石油流動(dòng)的重新調(diào)整可能減輕使用長(zhǎng)距離路線的影響:供給歐洲的海灣石油可以分派到東方,而供給亞洲的非洲石油可以運(yùn)送到歐洲。)
  • 21、Essentially, any process or thread can be dispatched to run on any processor, except for processors or threads that are bound to run on a specific processor.(從本質(zhì)上講,任何進(jìn)程或線程都可以分派到任意處理器上運(yùn)行,但綁定在特定處理器上運(yùn)行的處理器或線程除外。)
  • 22、The other members of the euro zone then have quite a lot of leeway to set a "reasonable" price for the help that they would at that point be bound to deliver.(現(xiàn)在,歐元區(qū)其他成員在他們注定要提供的援助上,也有合理的相當(dāng)大的討價(jià)還價(jià)的余地。)
  • 23、The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging even if they lead to dead ends.(創(chuàng)新者會(huì)尋找其他的道路,從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來看,這些道路可能更容易,也必定更有趣,更有挑戰(zhàn)性,即使它們走到死胡同。)
  • 24、It may not be too late -- even for the desk-bound set -- thanks to a device that lets you exercise without leaving your chair.(現(xiàn)在做準(zhǔn)備還不算太晚--即使是那些整天都被困在座位上的白領(lǐng)呢--感謝一個(gè)全新的裝備能夠讓你坐在椅子上鍛煉。)
  • 25、When you're creating many documents, there are bound to be similarities between the documents, particularly if they're all for the same audience, such as a large corporation or a staff of people.(創(chuàng)建許多文檔時(shí),文檔之間一定會(huì)有類似之處,尤其是在它們?nèi)济嫦蛳嗤x者的情況下,例如大型企業(yè)或一群人。)

be bound for基本釋義

be bound for

英 [bi: baund f?:] 美 [bi ba?nd f?r] 
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