
be bound up in造句

be bound up in造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:56


be bound up in造句

  • 1、For all these reasons, many of which are bound up with things undoubtedly good, marriage has become difficult, and if it is not to be a barrier to happiness it must be conceive in a somewhat new way.(正是由于這些原因(其實(shí)很多是與善的事物密切相關(guān)的)才使婚姻變得這么困難,要想不讓它成為幸福的障礙就必須想出新招。)
  • 2、Consequently, the survival rate of lobster larvae must be going up, and the lobster population in Foerkland's coastal waters is bound to increase.(因此,龍蝦幼蟲的存活率必然會(huì)提高,而福島沿岸水域的龍蝦數(shù)量也必然會(huì)增加。)
  • 3、In modern society, map is closely bound up with our daily life and is the indispensable part that can be used to master the geographical condition.(在現(xiàn)代社會(huì)里,地圖也是人們了解和掌握地理環(huán)境的必要手段,與人們的日常生活息息相關(guān)。)
  • 4、Although be in today, the woman of a few tribe returns Africa in a branch and tress of clay be classified, in order to show land fertile and be closely bound up of big ground mother.(即使在今天,非洲一些部落的婦女還把樹枝和泥土編入發(fā)辮中,以示土地膏腴與大地母親息息相關(guān)。)
  • 5、Below, we rounded up relevant skills for a variety of careers, so there's bound to be something worth enrolling in.(下面,我們收集了各種職業(yè)的相關(guān)技能,一定有一些是值得得學(xué)習(xí)的。)
  • 6、In many cases, situation will be inextricably bound up with questions of audience attitude and the way you shape your purpose.(在很多情況下,立場和聽眾的態(tài)度問題以及你用來闡明觀點(diǎn)的方法是密不可分的。)
  • 7、I pray that all beings will not gain a mind of greed, will notbe bound up in body-and-mind.(我祈禱說所有的生命都要獲得貪婪,都不會(huì)受縛于身體和心靈。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 8、In the midst of a uncertain situation, we should not be so bound up in our own arguments and disagreements.(在這樣一個(gè)不確定的形勢之下,我們不應(yīng)該如此專注于內(nèi)部的爭論和分歧。)
  • 9、The wind hath bound them up in its wings, and they shall be confounded because of their sacrifices.(暴風(fēng)要伸展羽翼將他們卷去,他們必因自己的祭壇蒙受恥辱。)
  • 10、The conversation was of early struggles, walking to work and saving up in clothing clubs, when my elder sister said, "Of course, we were bound to be poor because we were such a big family."(談的話題是我們家早年的艱辛,走著去上班,在“新衣會(huì)”里存錢準(zhǔn)備買衣裳。這時(shí)我姐姐說:“當(dāng)然,我們的生活沒法子不艱難,因?yàn)槲覀兗液⒆犹嗔恕?
  • 11、Administered objects are not dependent on JNDI, but it is implicit that they can be bound to and looked up in a JNDI namespace.(受管的對象并不依賴于JNDI,但暗示它們可以綁定到JNDI名稱空間并可以在其中查詢它們。)
  • 12、Everyone is bound to experience a lot of things when growing up, most of which will be forgotten while some will remain in our mind forever.(每個(gè)人在成長的過程中都要經(jīng)歷很多事,大部分被遺忘了,但有些永遠(yuǎn)印在我們的腦海里。)
  • 13、Although many sources of gas are already bound up in long-term contracts, optimists think Britain might be able to get more of it fairly easily.(盡管許多天然氣的來源在長期合同中受到限制,樂觀主義者認(rèn)為英國仍有能力輕易獲得更多的天然氣來源。)

be bound up in基本釋義

be bound up in

英 [bi: baund ?p in] 美 [bi ba?nd ?p ?n] 
