be suited to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:59


be suited to造句

  • 1、Meanwhile, recent discoveries show that microorganisms are much hardier than we thought, meaning that even planets that are not terribly Earth-like might stillbe suited to biology.(另一方面,最近的發(fā)現(xiàn)表明微生物要比我們?cè)认氲囊B強(qiáng)得多,這意味著即便是那些不是嚴(yán)格類比地球的星球環(huán)境也能促成生物的演化。)
  • 2、be suited to cold regions such as the Yellow River Basin, North China, Northwest China, Northeast China and other, which are too cold to need heating in winter.(適用于寒冷地區(qū)如黃河流域、華北地區(qū)、西北地區(qū)、東北地區(qū)等冬季溫度低需采暖地區(qū)。)
  • 3、Such hardware may notbe suited to multiprocessing, a large memory footprint, or significant demands on physical storage.(這類硬件可能不支持多處理、大量?jī)?nèi)存占用或?qū)ξ锢泶鎯?chǔ)的大量需求。)
  • 4、A table that holds a list of exchange rates couldbe suited to this approach because there are relatively few currencies, but the rates of most change frequently.(保存了一個(gè)外匯匯率列表的表將非常適合采用這種方法,因?yàn)樨泿诺膸欧N相對(duì)較少,而大多數(shù)匯率的變動(dòng)是非常頻繁的。)
  • 5、The advent of the mechanical clock meant that although it could be adjusted to maintain temporal hours, it was naturally suited to keeping equal ones.(機(jī)械時(shí)鐘的出現(xiàn)意味著,盡管它可以通過(guò)調(diào)整來(lái)記錄日光時(shí),但是它本質(zhì)上適合記錄相等的時(shí)間。)
  • 6、The job may notbe suited to their capabilities . It may not present the challenge they are looking for .(這份工作同他們的能力可能不對(duì)口,也可能這份工作根本沒(méi)有辦法帶給他們渴望的挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 7、Earth must be a part of that changeover, and man mustbe suited to participate with this.(地球必定是這個(gè)轉(zhuǎn)折的一部分,人必須適應(yīng)參與到這其中。)
  • 8、be suited to metering.(適合于分戶計(jì)量。)
  • 9、In this thesis, AC servo system of permanent magnet synchronous motor is designed tobe suited to lathe.(本文設(shè)計(jì)了車床用永磁同步電動(dòng)機(jī)交流伺服驅(qū)動(dòng)系統(tǒng)。)
  • 10、Those organisms that are most suited to the environment will be those that will survive.(那些最適應(yīng)環(huán)境的生物將是那些存活下來(lái)的。)
  • 11、These nuts have been market tested and found to be most suited to the Australian palate.(這些干果已經(jīng)過(guò)了市場(chǎng)試驗(yàn),結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)它們最適合澳大利亞人的口味。)
  • 12、The Amery Ice Shelf appears to be uniquely suited to the production of green icebergs.(埃默里冰架似乎是唯一適合形成綠色冰山的地方。)
  • 13、Research in the business angel domain would be especially suited to exploration of the processes of venture and value creation.(對(duì)商業(yè)天使投資者方面的研究特別適合于探究風(fēng)險(xiǎn)和價(jià)值創(chuàng)造的過(guò)程。)
  • 14、And for some people, their personality and interests may notbe suited to being a live-in landlord.(對(duì)一些人來(lái)說(shuō),他們的性格和興趣可能不適合做房東。)
  • 15、Hence, there are several levels of service aggregation or choreography to consider, which might wellbe suited to more than one implementation technology.(因此,需要考慮一些不同等級(jí)的服務(wù)聚集或編排,它可能適合不止一種實(shí)現(xiàn)技術(shù)。)
  • 16、But functional languages turn out to be very well suited to parallel programming.(不過(guò)事實(shí)證明函數(shù)型語(yǔ)言非常適合于并行編程。)
  • 17、The cooperation model adopted shouldbe suited to Asia's characteristics and helpful for mobilizing initiatives form various sources.(合作模式的采用需要適合于亞洲特色并且有利于調(diào)動(dòng)來(lái)自各個(gè)源頭的主動(dòng)性。)
  • 18、The math teaching for higher vocational colleges shouldbe suited to the situation of economy development and try to train adaptable personnel with high quality and overall career ability.(高職數(shù)學(xué)教學(xué)立足于培養(yǎng)具有綜合職業(yè)能力和素質(zhì)的應(yīng)用型人才。)
  • 19、In its contemporary form, western democracy is held to be ill-suited to our country's cultural traditions.(從其當(dāng)代形式來(lái)說(shuō),西方民主被認(rèn)為不適合于我們國(guó)家的文化傳統(tǒng)。)
  • 20、Would itbe suited to realities in Poland?(能夠符合波蘭的實(shí)際情況嗎?)
  • 21、Internally, the management style of the team leader mustbe suited to the type of project and its phase in the project life span.(12從內(nèi)在上看,項(xiàng)目組長(zhǎng)的管理方式必須適合于項(xiàng)目的類型和項(xiàng)目生命周期的階段。)
  • 22、He would notbe suited to the job.(他不適合干那份工作。)
  • 23、The experimental results show that this method has a better performance and canbe suited to remote sensing images processing.(實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,該算法具有較好的性能,可以應(yīng)用到實(shí)際的遙感圖像處理中,具有實(shí)用價(jià)值。)
  • 24、The middle regions of society seem to be best suited to intellectual improvement.(社會(huì)的中間階層似乎最適合于智力的進(jìn)步。)
  • 25、In comparison with the graphic method, this tabular method has several advantages such as no drawing, without the restriction of the number of variables, and tobe suited to programming on computers.(與圖形方法相比,表格法具有不需要畫圖,不受變量數(shù)限制以及易于計(jì)算機(jī)編程操作等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。)
  • 26、The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers.(遠(yuǎn)程學(xué)習(xí)的靈活性尤其會(huì)適合忙碌的經(jīng)理們。)
  • 27、The results of its application showed that artificial neural network canbe suited to make a strategic decision for the complicated problems of mineral industry.(應(yīng)用結(jié)果表明,人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)適合于礦業(yè)復(fù)雜問(wèn)題的決策。)
  • 28、Museums and other institutions of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary and secondary schools.(博物館和其他非正式學(xué)習(xí)機(jī)構(gòu)可能比小學(xué)和中學(xué)更適合教授這種技能。)
  • 29、The gestures of the body mustbe suited to the discourse you are upon.(在你演講時(shí),身體的姿態(tài)、手勢(shì)要與演講內(nèi)容相匹配。)

be suited to基本釋義