
be superior to造句

be superior to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:59


be superior to造句

  • 1、Several studies suggest that intrathoracic blood volume index mightbe superior to central venous pressure with regard to preload assessment.(多項(xiàng)研究認(rèn)為在評(píng)估前負(fù)荷上胸腔內(nèi)血容量指數(shù)要優(yōu)于中心靜脈壓。) hao86.com
  • 2、Admit that someone else maybe superior to you.(承認(rèn)其他人可能比你優(yōu)越。)
  • 3、Diuretic drugs (but not all drugs) were shown tobe superior to exercise in preventing death from heart failure.(結(jié)果表明,利尿藥物(而不是所有藥物)在預(yù)防心力衰竭死亡方面優(yōu)于運(yùn)動(dòng)。)
  • 4、The link performance reached by using the proposed algorithm willbe superior to those of linear interpolation and Gaussian interpolation.(采用此算法所能達(dá)到的鏈路性能優(yōu)于線性插值方法和高斯插值方法。)
  • 5、Conclusion CPZ could accelerate the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein, improve the rat growth and development effectively, which wouldbe superior to zinc sulfate.(結(jié)論CPZ能促進(jìn)核酸和蛋白質(zhì)合成,促進(jìn)大鼠的生長(zhǎng)發(fā)育,其療效顯著優(yōu)于硫酸鋅。)
  • 6、Conclusion The functional test of LAAT mightbe superior to total white blood cell count in assessing acute phase response after acute bacterial infection in children.(結(jié)論白細(xì)胞功能試驗(yàn)LAAT在評(píng)估細(xì)菌感染后急性相反應(yīng)程度方面優(yōu)于白細(xì)胞總數(shù)檢測(cè)。)
  • 7、Operation combined postoperative chemotherapy for PGIL patients maybe superior to operation alone on long term survival.(手術(shù)聯(lián)合術(shù)后化療治療PGIL的遠(yuǎn)期生存優(yōu)于單純手術(shù)治療。)
  • 8、In general, overseas returnees may have extra experience when it compared to the ordinary people. But they should notbe superior to us. Everyone is equal.(總的來(lái)說(shuō),和普通人相比海歸也許是有額外的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。但是他們并不是高人一等的。人人都是平等的。)
  • 9、Thus, the inherent scalability willbe superior to systems subjected to alternative analysis methods.(因此,其固有的可伸縮性將優(yōu)于經(jīng)受其他分析方法的系統(tǒng)。)
  • 10、Some consider digital TV tobe superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.(有些人認(rèn)為數(shù)字電視比衛(wèi)星電視好,因?yàn)閭鬏斖瑯拥膱D像時(shí)數(shù)字電視的畫面要比以前更為清晰。)
  • 11、In certain cases some doctors believe that honey might evenbe superior to triple-antibiotic creams as a wound dressing.(一些醫(yī)生認(rèn)為,在某些情況下蜂蜜作為一種傷口敷料可能甚至比三重抗生素藥膏還好。)
  • 12、Some consider digital TV tobe superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services t0 be delivered with clearer pictures than before.(有些人認(rèn)為數(shù)字電視要比衛(wèi)星電視好。因?yàn)閭鬏斖瑯拥膱D像時(shí)數(shù)字電視的畫面要比以前更為清晰。)
  • 13、Over the 12 weeks of treatment, citalopram proved tobe superior to placebo, with an average 3.3-point greater reduction in HAM-D scores.(在12周的治療期間,西酞普蘭被證明要好于安慰劑,在漢密頓抑郁量表的得分上要比其低3.3個(gè)百分點(diǎn)。)
  • 14、The human mind will alwaysbe superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.(人類的大腦將永遠(yuǎn)優(yōu)越于機(jī)器,因?yàn)闄C(jī)器僅僅只是人腦的工具。)
  • 15、They considered themselves tobe superior to coloured people.(他們自認(rèn)為比有色人種優(yōu)越。)
  • 16、Men maybe superior to women in physical affairs. Yet, there is no difference in intelligence.(男人在身體上可能比女人有優(yōu)勢(shì),但在智力上是沒(méi)有區(qū)別的。)
  • 17、Hiring experienced outsiders or resorting to head-hunting companies mightbe superior to simply relying on selecting job-seekers via job interview.(雇請(qǐng)經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的空降兵或者求助于獵頭公司比依賴簡(jiǎn)單的工作面試更加可取。)
  • 18、The experimental result shows that the performance of simple SLM-CIR model shouldbe superior to simple vector space models and probability models.(實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明:簡(jiǎn)單的SLM-CIR模型的性能要優(yōu)于簡(jiǎn)單的向量空間模型和概率模型。)
  • 19、A way or method of accomplishing a business function or process that is considered tobe superior to all other known methods.(一種被認(rèn)為在完成商業(yè)功能或進(jìn)程上比其他任何已知的方法都要高級(jí)的方法。)
  • 20、It might he anticipated that new antibiotics will be discovered in the future which willbe superior to those now available.(可以預(yù)期,將來(lái)會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)另外一些比現(xiàn)有者優(yōu)越的抗菌素。)
  • 21、This model mimics clinical pathological pain well and was found tobe superior to the traditional pain models such as the formalin test and capsaicin model, etc.(此模型極好地模擬了臨床病理性痛的痛癥,優(yōu)于以往的其它病理性痛模型。)
  • 22、It maybe superior to the currently used GP73 polyclonal antibody.(可能優(yōu)于目前使用的GP73多克隆抗體的檢測(cè)。)
  • 23、Even better, this new kind of software proves to the user that the digital world canbe superior to the physical one.(更好的是這些軟件讓用戶感覺(jué)到數(shù)字世界要比物理世界更好。)
  • 24、From the standpoint of overall resource use, the new techniques maybe superior to the old, even in the poor country.(從整個(gè)資源使用的角度來(lái)看,即使在窮國(guó),新技術(shù)也可能優(yōu)于老技術(shù)。)
  • 25、This, they claim, wouldbe superior to expert review because it would open health care to the wonders of “consumer choice.”(他們宣稱,這種方法比專家評(píng)審優(yōu)越,原因是它為醫(yī)療保健打開了“消費(fèi)者選擇”的奇跡。)
  • 26、In some cases, the capabilities provided on another system maybe superior to the capabilities currently being used in a process.(在某些情況下,其他系統(tǒng)提供的功能可能會(huì)比目前流程中使用的要好。)

be superior to基本釋義

be superior to

英 [bi: sju?pi?ri? tu:] 美 [bi s??p?ri? tu] 
