
be indispensable for造句

be indispensable for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:58


be indispensable for造句

  • 1、An intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors.(智能計(jì)算機(jī)將成為醫(yī)生不可或缺的診斷工具。)
  • 2、For the advertisers, AD is indispensable. But in AD audience 'position, the view may be different.(對于廣告主來說,廣告似乎是不可缺少的,然而,站在受眾的立場去看待廣告,情況也許就不一樣了。)
  • 3、Language and context are inextricably bound up with each other. People's language activity cannot be detached from its context and context is indispensable for understanding of words.(語言和語境密不可分,語言總是在一定的環(huán)境中產(chǎn)生,對語言意義的理解不能脫離語境。)
  • 4、It is extremely important for all to be self-confident as it is the indispensable condition to their success.(自信對所有人都是相當(dāng)重要的,因?yàn)閷τ谌藗兊某晒λ遣豢扇鄙俚臈l件。)
  • 5、The rubber spatula, which can be bought almost anywhere, is indispensable for scraping sauces out of bowls and pans, for stirring, folding, creaming, and smearing.(但是橡皮鏟哪都買得到,不管是要從鍋碗里刮出醬汁,還是攪拌,卷東西,做奶油泡或是涂涂抹抹,都少不了這件法寶。)
  • 6、It offers state-of-the-art system monitoring functionality which cannot be found in any other software. It's an indispensable tool for system administrators, developers and support engineers.(它提供了國家的最先進(jìn)的系統(tǒng)監(jiān)控功能,無法找到任何其他軟件。這是一個(gè)不可缺少的工具,為系統(tǒng)管理員,開發(fā)人員和技術(shù)支持工程師。)
  • 7、Various mews media can be an indispensable source of information for the vast majority of people.(各種新聞傳媒可以是大多數(shù)人獲得信息的不可缺少的源泉。)
  • 8、Intelligent computers will soon be an indispensable diagnostic tool for every doctor.(智能計(jì)算機(jī)很快將會成為每位醫(yī)生必不可少的診斷工具。)
  • 9、Computer will be the indispensable design tool for architects, just as the traditional pen and paper.(計(jì)算機(jī)同傳統(tǒng)的筆、紙一樣,將成為建筑師必不可少的設(shè)計(jì)工具。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、What he believed still seems to me tobe indispensable for carrying on an intelligent and responsible life.(在我看來,蘇格拉底的信仰在明智而負(fù)責(zé)的生活中始終不可或缺。)
  • 11、Whether the effect of international travel is positive or negative, one thing is certain that it will continue to be indispensable part for both visitors and relevant nations.(不管旅游的影響是好是壞,有一件事是可以肯定的,旅游將會繼續(xù)是我們生活中重要的一部分,不僅僅是對于游客,更是對于擁有旅游資源的國家。)
  • 12、More personnel changes maybe coming for the Pistons, but no matter what, Billups will still be the most indispensable point guard in the Eastern Conference.(活塞或許將面臨更多的人員變動,但無論如何,比盧普斯仍將是東部最不可或缺的控球后衛(wèi)。)
  • 13、Since emotions are indispensable to a sound psychological side, no room for the space to happiness, it will make room for sadness, that the emotional impulse might also be released.(既然情緒是健全心理中不可缺少的一面,騰不出空間來快樂,就會騰出空間憂傷,那把沖動的情緒釋放出來也未嘗不可。)
  • 14、Which his related to the core part of air conditioning indispensable "multi-layer corrugated fiber composite materials for air conditioning cooling water curtain" most can be guaranteed.(這其中就關(guān)系到空調(diào)不可缺少的核心部件——-“多層波紋纖維疊合物水簾”讓空調(diào)可以大部分降溫得到保證。)
  • 15、For example, in a robust electronic payment system, blind signature, undeniable signature, and multi-signature should be all indispensable.(例如,在一個(gè)健全的電子付款系統(tǒng)中就可能同時(shí)需要用到盲簽名、不可否認(rèn)簽名以及多人簽名技術(shù)。)
  • 16、Be it for a romantic getaway, a family picnic or a teenagers' world tour, Europe holds an indispensable position among travel locations.(無論是作為適合情侶旅行的浪漫之地,抑或作為全家人一起野炊的地方,還是青少年環(huán)球旅行的去處,歐洲是絕不可或缺的一個(gè)旅游勝地。)
  • 17、Milk tea and curd are indispensable for people living on the grassland. They provide vitamins and minerals that can't be gained from vegetables and fruits.(草原上的人離不開奶茶和奶豆腐,無法靠蔬菜和水果來補(bǔ)充的維生素和礦物質(zhì),都可以從這里獲得。)
  • 18、They are indispensable tools for any management accountant but, as Irecently found, they can also be applied to situations that are far removed from the world of work.(對于任何一位管理會計(jì)師來說它們都是不可或缺的工具,但是正如我最近所發(fā)現(xiàn)的,它們還可以被應(yīng)用于與我們的工作完全不搭界的情形之中。)
  • 19、Further enhancement of these activities for aging workers will be indispensable in the future. 3.2.(進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng)這些活動為老化工人將是必不可少的,在未來。3.2。)
  • 20、For such a low frequency, which would only be resorted to when it is indispensable for the operation of ordinary motors, I would use a secondary winding wound from a wire 50 miles in length.(對于如此低的頻率,它將只有是依靠于當(dāng)它對普通馬達(dá)運(yùn)行時(shí)不可缺少,我將使用一個(gè)次級線圈創(chuàng)傷自一根50英里長的線。)
  • 21、For another, as college students are in an important period of forming characters and quality, self-discipline is indispensable for shaping them to be better.(另一方面,由于大學(xué)生正處于性格和個(gè)性形成的重要階段,自律在讓他們變得更好中是不可或缺的。)
  • 22、Inspecting the regulation of "securing benefit for others" with its nature of accepting bribes, it can be found this element plays an indispensable role in acceptance of bribes.(以受賄罪的本質(zhì)檢視我國受賄罪中“為他人謀取利益”的規(guī)定,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)這一要件在受賄罪中發(fā)揮著不可或缺的作用。)
  • 23、The machinery, equipment or other materials contributed by the foreign party shall be those that are indispensable for the production of the joint venture.(作為外國合營出資的機(jī)器設(shè)備或者其他物料,應(yīng)當(dāng)是合營企業(yè)生產(chǎn)所必需的。)
  • 24、Moon cakes used to be tributes in moon fete rituals and later it becomes an indispensable symbolic food for the Mid-Autumn Festival, which stands for unity and harmony.(月餅最早是祭月典禮中的一種供品,后來漸漸演變成了民間過中秋節(jié)必不可少的象征性食品。它和中秋夜圓圓的月亮一樣,代表著和諧與團(tuán)圓。)
  • 25、Self-confidence is to be sure of oneself and ones abilities. It is extremely important for all to be self-confident as it is the indispensable condition to their success.(自信自信就是要相信自己和自己的能力,對于所有的人,自信都是極其重要的,因?yàn)樗谦@得成功必不可少的條件。)

be indispensable for基本釋義

be indispensable for

對 ... 必不可少; 對 ... 必需