
at first glance造句

at first glance造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:49


at first glance造句

  • 1、Don't loose patience if you don't get itat first glance.(如果初次閱讀你不能完全理解的話(huà),不要失去耐心。) hAo86.com
  • 2、at first glance, this seems to be about speed.(初看上去,這似乎是有關(guān)速度的問(wèn)題。)
  • 3、at first glance, I thought he was dead.(乍一看,我以為他死了。)
  • 4、at first glance, the behavior would seem to be maladaptive.(乍一看,這種行為似乎是不適應(yīng)的。)
  • 5、at first glance, this seems wrong.(乍一看,這似乎是胡說(shuō)八道。)
  • 6、Around streetlights in leafy suburbs, what often seems like a mothat first glance may, in fact, be a small bat.(在綠樹(shù)成蔭的郊區(qū),街燈周?chē)?jīng)常有乍一看像是飛蛾的東西,事實(shí)上可能是一只小蝙蝠。)
  • 7、That's what we lookat first glance.(乍一看,我們會(huì)這么想。)
  • 8、at first glance, this may sound like a lot of effort.(看第一眼,聽(tīng)起來(lái)像花費(fèi)了很大精力。)
  • 9、at first glance the three firms could not look more different.(乍一看,這三家公司就明顯不同。)
  • 10、at first glance, Vodafone has nothing to complain about.(乍看之下,沃達(dá)豐是沒(méi)什么可抱怨的了。)
  • 11、at first glance this presents no problem.(這乍看上去沒(méi)什么問(wèn)題。)
  • 12、at first glance this is good news for the emerging markets.(乍一看,這對(duì)新興市場(chǎng)而言是個(gè)好消息。)
  • 13、at first glance, formatting Numbers might seem an easy task.(初看上去,格式化數(shù)字似乎是一件很容易的任務(wù)。)
  • 14、at first glance, this should be an easy trap to avoid.(乍一看,幼兒教育陷阱似乎很容易避免。)
  • 15、If they decide to invest in color-changing tile that looks like slateat first glance, because it makes them happy, then who are we to deny their choices?(如果他們決定投資第一眼看上去像是石板磚的變色瓷磚,因?yàn)檫@讓他們高興,那么我們憑什么去否定他們的選擇呢?)
  • 16、at first glance, the characteristics of Bugs Bunny seem comical.(乍一看,流氓兔的性格似乎滑稽。)
  • 17、at first glance nothing seems to replicate in brain tissue.(乍看起來(lái),腦組織中似乎沒(méi)有復(fù)制什么。)
  • 18、at first glance the problem seemed easy.(乍一看問(wèn)題似乎很簡(jiǎn)單。)
  • 19、at first glance, the town is a typical dying mill center.(乍一看,這個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)是一個(gè)典型的沒(méi)落磨坊中心。)
  • 20、The answer would,at first glance, appear to be yes.(乍看上去,答案似乎是肯定的。)
  • 21、Much of the potential for European economic development lay in whatat first glance would seem to have been only sleepy villages.(歐洲經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)的大部分潛力存在于一些小鎮(zhèn)中,那些乍一看似乎很寂靜、冷清的小鎮(zhèn)。)
  • 22、at first glance visitors would think they were in Europe.(乍一看上去,游客們大概會(huì)有身在歐洲的錯(cuò)覺(jué)。)
  • 23、at first glance the question might appear to be superfluous.(乍一看,這個(gè)問(wèn)題顯得很多余。)
  • 24、Order seems,at first glance, to prevail.(乍看之下,似乎一切都很有秩序。)
  • 25、at first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.(乍一看,有機(jī)耕作對(duì)農(nóng)民來(lái)說(shuō)似乎昂貴得多。)
  • 26、at first glance, this seems like a ridiculous experiment.(乍眼一看,實(shí)驗(yàn)蠻可笑的。)
  • 27、at first glance the answer is yes.(乍一看,答案是肯定的。)

at first glance基本釋義

at first glance

英 [?t f?:st ɡlɑ:ns] 美 [?t f?st ɡl?ns] 
乍一看; 一看就
