
at full blast造句

at full blast造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:48


at full blast造句

  • 1、Just because it's easy, though, doesn't mean you have to do itat full blast.(只是因?yàn)樗苋菀?,但并不意味著你必須全力以赴這樣做。)
  • 2、The factory is goingat full blast.(工廠正在全力生產(chǎn)中。)
  • 3、They are constructing the buildingat full blast.(他們傾全力建造這棟大樓。)
  • 4、They were workingat full blast in order to fulfil the task before the holidays.(他們正全力以赴,爭取在節(jié)日前完成任務(wù)。)
  • 5、An orchestra playingat full blast is a tremendous sound.(管弦樂隊(duì)全力演奏聲音大得驚人。)
  • 6、Work on the construction site wasat full blast.(建筑工地的工作已經(jīng)全面展開。)
  • 7、At the same time, Yoshikawa by the international research and development of robot blasting, full-blast the markedly human machine at home and abroad, have a leading position in the industry.(同時(shí),由吉川國際研制、開發(fā)的機(jī)械手噴砂機(jī),充分體顯人性化的拋丸機(jī)在國內(nèi)外都具有行業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 8、at full blast, this fan produces comparatively lesser noise than the reference heatsink unit.(得轟轟烈烈,這扇產(chǎn)生的噪音比相對較低的參考散熱股。)
  • 9、Tom had his radio onat full blast-it was deafening.(湯姆把收音機(jī)開得大大的—簡直要把耳朵震聾了。)

at full blast基本釋義

at full blast

英 [?t ful blɑ:st] 美 [?t f?l bl?st] 
正旺盛時(shí); 處于高潮; 正起勁
